Monday, July 27, 2020

Basic Health Tips for Quarantine People During Covid-19 Pandemic

As corona virus is spreading across the US people are advised to be very cautious about their health. Amidst the ongoing isolation and quarantine people are supposed to take good care of their health to fight the disease. Those who have tested positive with Covid-19 are advised to quarantine themselves at home and recover at home. If they show signs of deteriorating health, then they should seek medical help. In case of emergency they should rush to the nearest hospital. Many people have recovered from the virus by staying at home and taking care of their health. Here are some basic health tips for quarantined people during Covid-19.

Basic Health Tips for Quarantine People During Covid-19 Pandemic

Try to eat home-cooked fresh foods: -

In order to fight the disease, you must be ensuring that what you eat is prepared hygienically and is made with the best ingredients that protect your health. You can only be sure of these facts if you prepare the food yourself at home. Once the food goes into the freezer it tends to lose its nutritional value. Therefore, try to consume freshly prepared food as much as you can.

Prioritize hygiene while cooking food: -

Another reason why home cooked food is recommended for those who quarantine at home is that they can ensure the food is prepared with utmost care and hygiene. Keep all the utensils clean. Wash the vegetables thoroughly before cooking. Lastly, make sure your hands are clean when you prepare food. Cook food at safe temperature that ensures that the meat is well cooked. Use safe water to cook food.

Decrease salt and sugar intake: -

Excessive salt and sugar are enemies of immune system. Your ability to fight the disease relies entirely on your immune system. Frozen and processed foods are laden with sodium which is very dangerous for health. Avoid such foods and consume organic and fresh foods instead. Instead of putting in more of table salt in food, add spices and herbs that are good for health and add taste to the food such as cinnamon, turmeric and clove.

Limit your sugar intake by cutting down soda drinks, chocolates and other form of artificial sugar. You can satisfy your sugar cravings by natural sweeteners such as dates, figs, cinnamon, honey and fruits.

Increase fiber intake: -

A healthy digestive system and regular bowel movements are very important for a well functioning immune system. Avoid constipation and other digestive problems by increasing your fiber intake. Consume vegetables, fruits, and wholegrain foods to ensure a healthy digestive system.

Keep hydrated: -

Drinking lots of water is the key to staying healthy during quarantine. It ensures a healthy metabolism and flushes the toxins out of the body. Adding a slice of lemon or Julian cut ginger to water shall increase the health benefits of water. Drinking good amounts of water ensures a healthy sleep pattern which is very beneficial for immune system.

Eat lots of fruits and vegetables: -

Health professionals all over the US have emphasized greatly on increasing the intake of fruits and vegetables. Not only they are a good source of fiber, they are enriched with vitamins and minerals. Vitamin A found in apricots and mangoes is very essential to fight coronavirus. Adequate supply of vitamin C found in citrus foods is important to fight infectious diseases. Minerals such as zinc and magnesium are also very important. Those who have been badly infected with coronavirus showed severe deficiency of Vitamin D. Hence a good intake of Vitamin D is also very important.

Quit smoking and drinking: -

Those who have underlying medical conditions or are into habits such as smoking and drinking are more prone to worsening cases of Covid-19. Such people are at a greater risk of multiple organ failure especially that of lungs and heart. Therefore, it is very important to quit smoking and drinking as they are gravely injurious to health.

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